Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Little Yorkshire Rose

As pretty as a butterfly
That rests on it's repose,
As lovely as a setting sun,
That's my little Yorkshire rose.
As sweet as the fragrance
Of a flower in full bloom,
As soft as a summer breeze,
She brightens up my gloom.

She holds the tiny raindrop
That brings life to the world,
She fills my life with beauty,
To content my heart and soul,
Such beauty is a pleasure
To look upon, it's true,
She holds within her heart of gold
A love that shines right through.

As I look upon our friendship,
It fills my heart with pride
To hear her whisper gently,
A sweet love into my mind,
An inspiration to me,
She speaks with words of prose.
That's my angel Angie,
My little Yorkshire rose.

Best Friends Forever?


Take out the picture,

Blow off the dust.

Remove the frame,

It's starting to rust.

Remember the times,

We had together?

What ever happened,

To best friends forever?


Friendship is the fraternal love that is
Regardless of time.
In the walk of life, they are a supportive
Friendly hands.
Enduring trust and respect that is
Never fades. it is the shade during the
Everlasting sun.
Dearly loved people whom we should be
Thankful for ........